Mobile hospital and housing –
The Austrian solution

Mobile Housing

The Demand

The definition of tasks contains a temporary use of surfaces of rooms as living areas for a defined period of time. The demanded identification numbers contain maximum 1 person per 6 m² net surface in the object and maximum 10 people per shower head and toilet unit. Smaller units with 6-10 private areas would be ideal which can be shaped as closed areas. The components of supply and waste disposal should be connected to the public mixing water system if possible because of the amounts of sewage. The demands for different construction sites cannot be defined exactly – these can be surfaces like asphalt and concrete as well as surfaces in the meadowland.

Fabspace‘ Solution

The solution approach shows a concept which consists of a mix of known and used systems of the FABSPACE-collection and experience values of various events in combination with new innovative materials and layer superstructures. All factors of the briefing were integrated after which a system was designed which can be used and installed as often as you like and easily in the most different locations besides low installation duration and low expense. All year round the object can be used and shows an absolutely persuasive form of utilisation with normously high quality claims and absolutely liveable standards, with all components of the supply and waste disposal as well as the different areas in the object.

Starting at only
€ 150.000
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